Elevate their Activity…
Olympic Mountain Agility
Foundation Class
Elevate your agility skills. Our foundation class will cover safety with some equipment- such as jumps, tunnels and A Frame. Foundation games to take you to the next level.
6 week course - 250.00
1/14/25 at 645pm for Intro to agility
The Grand Tetons Agility Level 2
Agility level two will be continuing education for the graduated level 1 students! We will practice more advancement on all equipment, sequences and off leash work!
6 week Course -250.00
1/14/25 at 530 for Level 2
Flyball is run in teams of four dogs, as a relay. The course consists of four hurdles with a flyball box. Each dog must return its ball all the way across the start line before the next dog crosses. Ideal running is nose-to-nose at the start line. The first team to have all four dogs cross the finish line error free wins the heat. Penalties are applied to teams if not completed.
Look for new foundation classes online with Strive Dog Inc! -https://www.strivedogs.com/
6 week class for 250.00
Dock Diving
Diving dogs is a canine sport in which dogs are enticed to run the length of a dock and leap as far out into the water as possible to compete for height or distance. They’re motivated to fly with a prized toy, which is thrown just out of reach in order to help them keep their momentum and get the best launch angle possible.
Dock Diving Rental for an hour -$55.00
Perro Loco Toss & Fetch League!
Does your dog love to chase and catch frisbees?
It’s great exercise and mentally stimulating for your dog while strengthening the bond between you and your dog.
With Perro Loco and K9 Frisbee Toss & Fetch, you can take your hobby game to new levels by meeting up with our local disc dog enthusiasts and competing in your home town — against other disc doggers across the planet.
K9 Frisbee Toss & Fetch is an easy game to learn, a friendly yet competitive environment, and
great fun for you and, especially, your dog.
Competition happens all year around!
FRISBEE CLASS- Intro to Frisbee!
Learn how to throw a frisbee for your dog!
A great sport to play with any dog and be able to build a stronger relationship with your pup!
4 Week class for 200.00 this includes a frisbee!
Starts 1/15/25 at 6pm